Course Name

Crisis Management


May 06, 2025 - May 08, 2025

Schedule via Zoom:
May 6 & 8, 2025

Tuesday and Thursday

1:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Regular Rate:

Php 6,600

Early Eagle Rate:

Php 5,600

Valid Until:

April 23, 2025

Crisis Management


As we greeted the new decade, we were introduced to different crises and disasters in both the local and global scale. When the Taal volcano eruption happened, how did it affect your organization? When the first case of the 2019-ncov was confirmed in the country, what did your organization do?

It is important that you are able to respond to these crises effectively and avoid its escalation and interruption of your business enterprises. There are global methods like Incident Command Management Systems (ICMS) that allows appropriate response to any crises or incidents leading to a crises. This is what this course all about, allowing your companies to have a more effective and controlled approach on crises to minimize or mitigate the risk and impact of a business interruption.

Crisis Management focuses on how to proactively prevent crisis and how to take action when crisis arrives. There are various threats that can lead to crisis from IT systems, labor un-rest, theft, sabotage, fire and other environmental hazards. All of these risks have the capacity to affect your stakeholders. This course is designed to make sure that you are prepared.

Your organization needs to know how to respond or react when these events happen before they even happen. Live prepared by learning today.

About DRI Ph

Disaster Recovery Institute (DRI) Philippines is a non-profit organization established in the Philippines in 2017. Its primary purpose is to conduct training courses and enable business continuity practitioners in the Philippines with the DRI International certification standards. It also conducts short courses on Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, Operational Resiliency and other related workshops and topics.

Who should attend

The general workforce within an organization or individuals who are keen to explore crisis management

After the course, you will be able to:

1. Describe the difference of a crisis and disaster;
2. Ensure that the stakeholders are enabled during a crisis;
3. Share various crisis mitigation techniques to minimize impact; and
4. Develop a plan that is integrated to the BCM Program.

I. What Is Crisis Management and its relationship to Business Continuity Program

    A.    Importance of crisis management
    B.    Organization and role of crisis management team
    C.    Crisis communication plan
    D.    Incident response plan

II. Disaster Recovery Institute International (DRII) Professional Practices on Crisis Communication and Incident Response

III.    Crisis Communication Plan

    A.    What is crisis communication
    B.    Crisis communication plan, purpose and elements
    C.    Role of business continuity practitioners in crisis communication
    D.    Source of information for crisis communication
    E.    Interacting with media
    F.    Crisis communication checklist

IV.    Incident Response

    A.    What is incident response
    B.    Incident response plan elements
    C.    Role of business continuity practitioner in incident response plan
    D.    The Incident Response Team
    E.    Escalation procedures
    F.    ICMS Organization and Roles
    G.    Communication flow
    H.    Unified command
    I.     Coordination with external agencies

Business Continuity Managers Association of the Philippines (BCMAP) was formed in 2006 with the goals to organize forums, conduct certification classes, and promote the best practices and standards of Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery. BCMAP aims to address the needs of enterprises from various sectors in the country and ensure the protection of human lives and assets in the event of any disruption or crisis in business.

The group started to organize forums thru the sponsorship of companies like IBM, Citibank, ADB, BSP, ePLDT, Symantec, Meralco and Zuellig. They have also approached Disaster Recovery Institute International (DRII) from the US and the Business Continuity Institute (BCI) from UK to provide subject matter experts on the professional
practices of business continuity. The forum continues to evolve and collaborate with various government agencies like NDRRMC, BFP, DOH and NGOs like WHO, Red Cross, Zuellig Foundation, among others to continue to promote the practice of Business Continuity in the country. They also encouraged and mentor practitioners to get certified as Business Continuity practitioners with DRII or The BCI to ensure implementation of best practices in the country.

The courses are delivered by seasoned practitioners on BC/DR. Some of their certified instructors are listed below:

• Mel Cabodil, CBCP, AMBCI, ITIL Professional
• Jaycee dela Cruz, CBCP, AMBCI, CBE, MBA
• Sebastian Puache, CBCP
• Carol Atido, CBCP
• Eugene Daga, CBCP
• Jeffrey Jardin, CBCP
• Joselito Capinpin, ABCP, PMP
• Eric Ugaddan, ABCP, NEBOSH Certified

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