Course Name

Decision Effectiveness Workshop


April 01, 2025 - April 10, 2025

Schedule via Zoom:
April 1, 2, 8, and 10, 2025
Tuesdays, Wednesday, & Thursday
8:30 am - 12:00 nn

Regular Rate:

Php 12,000

Early Eagle Rate:

Php 11,000

Valid Until:

March 19, 2025

Decision Effectiveness Workshop


This two-day course aims to equip managers and supervisors with the necessary tools and techniques to guide them through a systematic process of identifying the root cause of problems, generating possible solutions to problems and utilizing various decision-making criteria to select the best alternative solution. Participants will likewise learn how to implement the selected problem solution and examine possible consequences and opportunities. Finally, course participants will learn how to review and document the entire process for replication in future situations.

Who should attend

Managers, supervisors, technical personnel, and those who make critical decisions.

At the end of the course, the participants will be able to: 

  1. Participants will likewise learn how to implement the selected problem solution

  2. Examine possible consequences and opportunities.

  3. Learn how to review and document the entire process for replication in future situations.


1. Getting to know you
2. Learning Expectations
3. Course Framework and Methodology
4. Structured Learning Exercise

Problem Solving and Decision Making (PSDM)

1. Distinguish between programmed decisions and nonprogrammed decisions
2. Appreciate how risk, uncertainty and ambiguity affect decision making
3. Learn about the Classical and Administrative Models of Decision Making
4. Introduction to the SA-PA-DA-PPA approach to PSDM

Situation Analysis

1. Define Situation Analysis and its importance to PSDM
2. Learn Environmental Scanning to identify external prospects and concerns using PESTEL as an analysis tool
3. Discuss the use of SWOT Analysis in PSDM

Problem Analysis

1. Understand how to properly frame a problem to aid in decision making
2. Learn various models of Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
3. Distinguish between primary causes and casual causes
4. Understand the use of 5 Whys, Pareto Chart and the Fishbone Diagram in analyzing problems
5. Learn the difference between causality and correlation
6. Appreciate the use of the SCAMPER brainstorming methodology to generate alternative solutions
7. Structured Learning Exercise

Decision Analysis

1. Review the various steps in decision analysis
2. Identify the criteria and weights to be used in evaluating alternative solutions
3. Learn how to evaluate and choose the best alternative
4. Craft a plan to implement the chosen decision
5. Case Study 

Potential Problem Analysis

1. Why and how “Good Intentions” can lead to “Bad Outcomes”?
2. Learn the Law of Unintended Consequences
3. How do we mitigate against unanticipated or unforeseen results or outcomes?
4. Structured Learning Exercise
5. Case Study 

Organizational Culture

1. Understand the importance of organizational culture in the success of any Problem-Solving Activity
2. Grasp the concept and implementation of Lessons Learned Meetings

Summary and Integration

Atty. Noli del Rosario is a lawyer-economist with extensive experience in human resources development, employment law, industrial relations and organizational change. Currently, he is Human Resources Head for Philippine British Assurance Company, Inc..

Prior to this, he held other posts such as: Senior Vice President for Human Resources and Corporate Affairs of the Philippine Associated Smelting and Refining Corporation (PASAR), Organizational Development Director of a beverage company in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Master of Management from the University of the Philippines. He has completed all the academic requirements for his Doctor in Business Administration degree. He has attended executive business programs at the Asian Institute of Management, the Stanford University Graduate School of Business, Harvard Law School and the General Electric (GE) Executive Development School.

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