Course Name

Appreciating Organization Development: The Role of Line Leaders Towards Organizational Effectiveness and Learning


May 19, 2025 - May 22, 2025

Schedule via Zoom:
May 19, 20, 21, and 22, 2025
Monday to Thursday
8:30 am - 12:00 pm

Regular Rate:

Php 12,000

Early Eagle Rate:

Php 11,000

Valid Until:

May 06, 2025

Appreciating Organization Development: The Role of Line Leaders Towards Organizational Effectiveness and Learning


Organizations undergo continuous and more rapid changes. The nature and forms of organizations are changing dramatically due to globalization, information technology and innovation.  Hence, leaders should be equipped to inspire people and journey with them to be better able to adapt and cope with the changing environment and continually innovate, renew and re-create the organization.  Efforts toward this self-renewal involve planned development, improvement and reinforcement of strategies, structures, systems, processes and procedures, as well as culture, that would lead to organization effectiveness and learning.

This seminar also includes some focus on restructuring organizations as part of the technostructural interventions – change programs focusing on the technology and structure of organizations.  Increasing global competition and rapid technological and environmental changes are forcing organizations to restructure themselves from rigid bureaucracies to leaner, more flexible structures.

Who should attend

Internal consultants, training staff, and line leaders who initiate, implement or evaluate organizational change

This four half-days course is designed to provide participants with an understanding of a learning and self-renewing organization and their roles as leaders.  It also intends to provide them with basic concepts and skills in formulating organization development interventions which are distinctive in nature: reflexive, self-analytical and self-skill-building in nature, that is, pervasively using a collaborative action research model.  These interventions are designed for implementation to attain and sustain optimum performance through allowing people and programs to realize their full potential.

At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
•    Define an effective and healthy organization.
•    Diagnose and analyze their organizations.
•    Come up with interventions towards an effective and healthy organization.
•    Commit themselves and the organization towards self-renewal and learning as a way of life.

Module I:      An Effective and Healthy Organization
A.    Definition and Description
B.    Diagnosing the Organization: A Look Into Your Own Organization
C.    Organization Development, Renewal and Transformation
1.    Organization Development Focus, View and Emphasis
2.    OD Distinguishing Features
3.    Operational Goals in an OD Effort
4.    Organization Renewal
5.    Organization Transformation

Module II:    Strategies and Tools for Effecting Planned Changes
A.    Understanding the Dynamics of Change
B.    Planned Change Models
C.    Collaborative Action Research Model
D.    Appreciative Inquiry Model
E.    OD Interventions
1.    Human Process Interventions
2.    Techno-Structural Interventions
3.    Human Resource Management Interventions
4.    Strategic Interventions

Module III:    Restructuring Organizations
A.    Structural Design
B.    Downsizing
C.    Reengineering

Module IV:    Learning Organization
A.    Continuous Improvement
B.    Definitions (Meaning)
C.    Organizational Learning
D.    Building Blocks (Management)
E.    Measurements

Module V:    Commitments
A.    Individual Commitment
B.    Commitment to the Organization


Dr. Rosario Cabuhat-Alzona is an accomplished Organization Development (OD) Professional with extensive experience in diverse workplace environments: government, non-government, and private organizations of different industries and sectors. She has varied experiences in research, strategic and operational planning, organizational assessment, culture management, change management, systems and procedures design and development, learning and development and other OD intervention design, implementation and evaluation.

She was affiliated with organizations, such as, Oblate Apostles of Two Hearts (OATH), Missionary Sisters of the Holy Face of Jesus of San Pablo City, St. Peter and St. Paul Parish of Calamba City, Asilo de San Vicente de Paul in Manila, Enchanted Kingdom, Inc., Sun Microsystems Philippines, Inc., Andersen Consulting (Now Accenture), Sol Open Resource Center, Nutrition Center of the Philippines, Educational Planning and Research Center, and the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research and Development.


She co-authored the following books: When God Stretches Me Beyond, Straight From the Leader's Heart, and The Blessing and Blessedness of Granny-hood.

Dr. Alzona has a Bachelor's Degree in Statistics from the University of the Philippines at Los Banos, Masters Degree in Statistics from the University of the Philippines in Diliman, and Doctorate Degree in Organization Development from Southeast Asia Interdisciplinary Development Institute. Further, she has completed other professional programs, such as, Certificate in Strategic Human Resource Transformation and Organization Development from the Penn State College and Institute for Attractions Manager from the International Attractions and Amusement Parks Association in Orlando, Florida, USA.

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