Course Name

Managing Workplace Complexity Through Systems Thinking


Regular Rate:

Php 12,000

Early Eagle Rate:

Php 11,000

Managing Workplace Complexity Through Systems Thinking


The work of leaders involves solving problems. Some problems have identifiable root causes. Some problems seem to be just a tangled mess of interrelated factors and stakeholders - the more you try to "solve" it, the worse it gets. Some problems persist despite various attempts to solve them.

Systems thinking enables leaders and their teams to see the interrelationships among elements of a complex system, the structures that enable complex problems to persist, and the mental models that the players of the system have that get in the way of solving these problems. 

A leader who thinks systemically introduces change by changing the relationships among systemic elements and by changing the perceptions, beliefs, assumptions, and actions that stakeholders take on the system.

Who should attend

Managers, Project Team Leaders and Supervisors, Business Owners, Public Sector and Non-Profit Leaders

After attending this workshop, the participants should be able to:

  1. Recognize the behavior of recurring complex problems and the structure that governs these;
  2. Analyze problems by becoming conscious of one’s mental models and identifying causal loops and common system problems;
  3. Develop high leverage sustainable solutions that go beyond addressing singular causes;
  4. Apply systems thinking tools to real workplace issues;
  5. Present solutions and insights; and
  6. Practice the 13 habits of systems thinkers

I. Revealing What’s Below the Surface

   A. Systems, Wicked Problems, and Systems Thinking

   B. Complicated vs. Complex

   C. The Iceberg Model of Systems Thinking

   D. Habits of Systems Thinkers

II. Revealing Connections among Elements of Complex Problems

   A. Connection Circles: Seeing relationships in your problem story

   B. Leverage Points – Factors that move your problem forward

III. Revealing and Changing Structures that Influence a System’s Behavior

   A. Causal Loops – When cause is effect and effect is also…a cause?

   B. Common Causal Loops 

      1. Fixes that Fail

      2. Shifting the Burden

      3. Growth and Underinvestment

      4. Success to the Successful

      5. Drifting Goals

      6. Tragedy of the Commons

IV. Mental Models: Revealing and Changing the Mindsets behind Complex Problems: Yours and Your Stakeholders’

   A. The Ladder of Inference: You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that caused it

   B. Dialogue: How to talk about data, feelings, assumptions, and actions around your complex problem

Ms. Czarina B. Teves is a seasoned Organization Development consultant who has been in the field since 1994. She is known for her expertise in team building, strategic planning, and organizational change, and has served as a team lead and facilitator for numerous organizations.

Throughout her career, she has been recognized as a resource person, subject matter expert, and faculty member. She has taught at various institutions, including the Ateneo Graduate School of Business – Center for Continuing Education, Asian Institute of Management – School of Executive Education and Lifelong Learning, Civil Service Institute, and Carl Jung Circle Center | Depth Institute of Asia. She has been a facilitator for a wide range of topics, including Leading Teams in a VUCA World, Coaching and Mentoring, Systems Thinking, and Emotional Intelligence.

She has been a professional coach since 2012 and is certified by the International Coaching Federation. She is also a certified Jungian Coach, Master Facilitator of Team Psychological Safety, Stakeholder Centered Executive Coach, and Action Learning Coach. 

She is also the former President-Elect of the International Coaching Federation Philippines Charter Chapter and a board member of Coaches Connect Service Cooperative, a cooperative of coaches focused on helping MSMEs. She is also the co-founder of Ginto Ako Team, a social change initiative, and a founding partner of InnerWorks Coaching, which helps people navigate the pandemic through somatic, systemic, and depth coaching.

Ms. Teves has received numerous certificates for her program delivery, including Leading with Questions from World Institute of Action Learning, Building the Learning Organization from World Institute of Action Learning, and the Global Leadership Assessment from Marshall Goldsmith.

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