Course Name

Storytelling for Business: Getting Your Message Across


May 27, 2025 - May 30, 2025

Schedule via Zoom:
May 27, 28, 29, & 30, 2025
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday
1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Regular Rate:

Php 12,000

Early Eagle Rate:

Php 11,000

Valid Until:

May 14, 2025

Storytelling for Business: Getting Your Message Across


Effective leaders and managers possess a knack for attracting and holding the attention of audiences. They teach, entertain, persuade, inspire, and in so doing, win people to their side and help companies move forward.  One powerful tool these executives use for engaging people is the art of storytelling -- a traditional medium of communication that has resurfaced in the 21st century as a compelling strategy to connect with clients, colleagues, and customers.   

As narratives designed to meet a practical end, stories stimulate the imagination: they work on visual, aural, and kinesthetic planes, thus appealing to an audience's multiple learning modes. Stories also connect the heart and the head, the right brain and the left brain. They enable audiences to see their own truth in symbolic ways, and permit the storyteller to reveal an authentic self and emerge as a highly credible communicator.

This four half-days theater-based workshop engages you in the art of storytelling as applied in a corporate environment. Three components will be tackled: choosing a story, crafting the story, and then delivering the story.  You will initially practice with existing stories then move on to develop and write your own corporate stories, which you will perform before the class.  An essential lesson is for you to acquire a theme and a personal point of view in narrating the story. Transform narratives into personal statements with an implication for corporate work.  Further, supplementary readings will be assigned to guide you in developing and performing your own stories.

Who should attend

Business executives, corporate trainers, training directors, and other professionals looking for confidence boosters.

After the course, you will:

  1. Expand your vocal, physical, and mental abilities as groundwork for effective storytelling;
  2. Learn how stories can be a crafted as creative tool in delivering your ideas;
  3. Project the desired confidence during presentations; and 
  4. Establish rapport with your listeners and win them to your side.


Module 1: Persuasive Presentation using Storytelling Techniques
    Session 1A. Foundations of Storytelling
    Session 1B. Language 1: Verbal
    Session 2A. Language 2: Vocal
    Session 2B. Applied Storytelling in Presentations

Module 2. Inspirational Storytelling that Moves People
    Session 1A. Language 3: Body
    Session 1B. Improvisation
    Session 2A. Language 4: Emotions
    Session 2B. Storytelling Festival

Mr. Voltaire Gonzales is the Executive Director of Roleplayers Theater for Life.  Prior to this, he held other posts, such as: Executive Consultant for Summit Media & Rignier Media Co.; House of Investments, Yuchengco Group of Companies; and PGA Cars (Audi, Porsche, Lamborghini and Bentley) among others.  He was also the Official Brand Spokesperson and Head of Country Vehicle Sales, Corporate Communication and Sales Training of Honda Cars in the Philippines. He further became the Brand Manager of Honda Motor Co. Japan for Asia and Oceania handling automobiles, motorcyles, power and marine products, F1 and ASIMO.

Mr. Gonzales is a Certified Regional Instructor of Total Quality Management, Customer Service, and Sales Excellence programs.

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